Sunday, February 15, 2015

{Valentines Day}

Valentines day while your missionary is away is of course very different. Just like every other day though he is exactly where he is supposed to be. The biggest difference though is that you have to use the wonderful US postal service to send your love. I made a package for Glen Donald which I like a lot. I have improved at drawing the state of Ohio (it's not as easy as it seems). This valentines day I was lucky enough to be able to be around family and some great friends that helped me get through it. My father, sister and I went and saw "Night at the Museum 3" and then went to a few stores. One of the cool things about sending a missionary out is that it gives you an opportunity to get closer to your family because you don't really have another option, at least in my opinion. 

After spending time with them I was able to go to a missionary girlfriend date night in Provo. There were twelve of us missionary girlfriends who got together. We watched two movies and ate ice cream sundaes. It was so good to be able to talk to other girls who almost completely understand what you're going through. As in all things all couples are different and so the mission experience is different for everyone. There are lots of aspects of the missionary girlfriend experience that are the same though. I was the newest MG at the date night which was weird but I cannot wait to be the seasoned veteran that helps other new girls through this experience someday. I look forward to the next time I get to spend time with these awesome girls and to meet new ones. 

The valentines day package I sent to Elder Ledingham had the open when letters, his second companion tie, a bear, treats (of course), bubbles, silly heart straws, balloons, missionary conversation hearts, our story book, and a valentines card. The states are connected by an accordioned paper and it says "I love you to...Ohio and back". The open when letters took the most time but are what will last the longest. He said the package really helped him and that it made him smile. Here are some pictures of the package and contents:  


No matter how many miles lie between Elder Ledingham and I he will forever by my valentine. Each email and letter makes me fall deeper in love with him. He is growing so much on his mission and is doing such a good job. I am so proud of my valentine for doing all that the Lord needs and wants him to do. 

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