Friday, January 30, 2015

{Our Eight Month Anniversary)

It seems completely crazy that Elder Ledingham and I started dating exactly eight months ago today. I'm so happy that I've gotten to spend these past eight months with him and plan to spend many more months with him.

Thinking back on how far we've come makes me realize just how much Heavenly Father is in charge of things here on earth. Many would say that it was just coincidence that we were in so many classes together and that we crossed paths. I know however that Heavenly Father puts people into our lives at the exact time that they are needed. I find myself wishing sometimes that I would've been able to meet Glen earlier than I did but I know that he was put into my life at the exact time that Heavenly Father needed him to be there. Glen and I have both helped each other learn and grow in so many ways. Heavenly Father definitely knew what he was doing when he crossed our paths.

Elder Glen Donald Ledingham helps me each and every day to become a better me. He always encourages me to find people to serve. Through his testimony he strengthened mine and brought me even closer to the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ. He strengthens me and pulls me up when I need him. During times of trial he always reminds me of my testimony and my Heavenly Fathers love for me. He blesses my life just by his example. He is one of the greatest blessings that was put into my life and I thank Heavenly Father every day for him. No matter where our future takes us he will always be a big influence of who I am today and who I want to become.

Of course this anniversary is much different than the ones we celebrated previously but it's still amazing because it means I've been blessed to be with Elder Ledingham for one more month. Although it is hard at times, there is absolutely no other place that I would rather have Glen right now. He continues to make me want to be better by his example. I can't wait until we can celebrate anniversaries together again but for now I am content.

On this eight month journey I have come to realize something. You never really know when you are influencing someones life. Elder Ledingham influenced my life and I influenced his. One of my favorite songs from the musical wicked is Changed For Good. My favorite line from that is as follows "Because I knew you I have been changed for good". I like to think that it will always be because I KNOW you with me and Elder Ledingham. I have been changed for good by Elder Glen Donald Ledingham. That's all I could ask for in life.


Monday, January 26, 2015

{One Row Down & Glorious P-Day}

In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday that Elder Ledingham left to serve the Lord. Now just shy of three weeks later I have completed the first row of the countdown! Although it seems kind of silly to celebrate, it's the little things that keep me going. 

It's all about taking things one day at a time while waiting for a missionary. The best part about the wait is that once you make it through a day it's one step closer to your missionaries return. You will never have to live that day (good or bad) again. Even bad days though are one step closer to being with my Glen Donald again. 

Today was also Elder Ledinghams first P-Day in Ohio. It was beyond amazing to be able to hear from him and hear of his experiences. He loves his companion and is adjusting well to Enon. 

As I was sitting waiting for Glen to email me I oddly had butterflies. I guess I got nervous that he will have changed his mind or something silly like that. It reminded me of all of the times he used to give me butterflies which made me smile. Each word from him just made me fall even more in love with him. 

Yes waiting for a missionary is hard but it's days like today that it is all worth it. <3 Elder Ledingham is my best friend and always keeps a smile on my face. I sure do love my goofball and am so proud of him each & every day. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

{Missionary Training Center Packages}

I sent two packages while Elder Ledingham was in the MTC because it was very cheap to do so since I live near there. Making packages is one of the more fun parts of being a missionary girlfriend. This is one of the ways that I feel like I can support him even though he's far away. Plus I just love making him happy. These are pictures of the packages.

Package 1:
LOTS of snacks

A tie with our saying that I made

Package 2:

Treats and pictures for Glen and his district
Matching companion ties with Elder Rowe
I am sure that the packages are only going to get more fun to make. I am working on his valentines package right now and can't wait to post it. Through this experience I have already learned that I cope by doing crafty things. It makes me feel closer to him when I am making him something to show my love. This is one of the parts I already love about being a missionary girlfriend.

{Our Story}

I am Audrey Sue Eckhardt and I have recently sent a missionary out. His name is Elder Glen Donald Ledingham. He is serving in the Columbus, Ohio mission and has been out since January 7th, 2015. His mission is English speaking. He recently made it to Ohio and is loving it so far! He is currently serving in Enon, Ohio. I am so proud of him  already and can't wait to write about his journey and mine over the next two years.

Glen and I met a little over a year ago while we were in high school. It was the second semester of our senior year and we had three of the four classes together on B-days. It's funny because the first day of our classes I'm pretty sure he thought that I was stalking him. I also the first few weeks of class would come home and complain about him because of his inability to lead me in social dance. Little did I know back then that I would fall in love with that silly boy.

Prom 2014
Because we had social dance together we ended up getting  to know each other pretty well. We became friends around the time that the sweethearts dance was approaching. I really wanted to ask this boy named Carson but felt like I should ask Glen instead. I was still a little hesitant about going with him until I received my answer. It was seriously the cutest and sweetest way a boy had ever answered me back from a dance before. Sweethearts was a blast and he even put up with me being the sweethearts royalty second attendant (he had to wait for me to dance with my dad). After that dance we started to get closer as friends,

The next step towards our relationship was Glen asking me to prom. He always tells me that he, like me at sweethearts, was considering asking someone else. He also felt like he should ask me though so he did. He planned the perfect prom date. We went to desert star (a playhouse) and saw "Provo Cop", had dinner and then went to the dance up at Sundance. I didn't know very many of the people in our group so I felt kind of awkward at first. It was especially awkward because my ex-boyfriend was in our group and Glen didn't know it. It ended up being one of the best dates I've ever been on though.

After that we started to really like each other. It wasn't until two days after we graduated that he asked me to be his girlfriend though. We had many adventures in between that like senior ball, senior all-nighter, and going to see divergent. I was actually the one who had to institute the oh so lovely define the relationship talk. I am grateful every day that we did have that talk because it gave me my bestest friend.

We have had so many adventures in the just shy of eight months that we have been dating. We have definitely had our fair share of laughs, cries, little fights, and awkward moments but I wouldn't change anything about it. We have become inseparable which has given us a lot of time to get to know each other. He is my best friend, my comfort, my protector, my love, but most importantly my Glen Donald. I look forward to many more months and years to come with him.

Our goodbye for 2 years
For now the Lord and the people of Ohio need him far more than me. I know that Heavenly Father has already prepared the people there for Elder Ledingham's arrival. He is going to help the Lord's work move forward in so many ways. I feel honored to support him in this amazing work. Although trusting Heavenly Father with my best friend has been one of the hardest things I will ever have to do, it has also been so easy. I know that the Lord is going to continually watch over him and aid him in doing the Lord's work. These next two years are going to be very hard but they are also going to be amazing. One of my favorite quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley is "You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make." I know that Elder Ledingham is well worth the wait and that this will only make our love stronger. I am ready for all that this adventure of a wait will bring.

"Two years is not even a day in the Lord's time." So I will see you tomorrow Elder Glen Donald Ledingham. <3

*I also found this song about a missionary that I love. It is beautiful and well worth the listen.